InXpress Midwest

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Serving All 50 States

International Shipping Discounts

Global Reach with a Personal Touch

Global Reach with a Personal Touch

Free Domestic and Intl. Shipping Quotes

Smarter | Cheaper | Faster | Save NOW!

Contact Us today to open an account.

As one of DHL's largest shipping partners, InXpress provides heavily discounted shipping to our customers by utilizing large volume discounts.

Request your DHL account and receive a consolidated group discount. NO minimum shipment counts, No minimum spend, No contracts. 

You will also be assigned a Certified International Specialist for all your international shipping needs. DHL will pick up your packages and deliver them.

The DHL account belongs to you; you just pay much less by leveraging the shipping volume from thousands of small and mid-sized businesses.

Our Features Include:

Quick Links:

Just a few of our clients:


Carriers we use:





We have a unique relationship with DHL that enables us to negotiate deep discounts for any shipping needs. These services and rates are available to any small to mid-sized business in the US no matter what volume of shipping you do.



We have partnered with some of the best e-commerce solution providers in the United States. We offer user friendly, scaleable web-based e-commerce software giving you live shipping quotes.



At InXpress we want to provide you with the best possible price, customer service and shipping solution available. InXpress provides shipping services worldwide. Most clients are small business owners who work with InXpress to manage shipping solutions that save time and money. On average, InXpress clients save 15 percent over their previous shipping costs. An InXpress shipping consultant works with you to establish your shipping profile and provides you access to our WebShip online portal to generate quotes, access shipment tracking and review and pay invoices.

How can we help you?

Contact Us

If you are a small or mid-size company with "mission critical" or international shipping needs, partner with InXpress to take advantage of deeply-discounted shipping rates, get expert international shipping advice from expert shipping consultants and customer service representatives who know you and understand your business. Contact us today to learn how we can help you.

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