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Cargo / Shipping Insurance

Cargo/Shipping Insurance is designed to provide protection against risks of physical loss or damage from an external cause to goods while in transit. This is subject to the specific policy terms and exclusions.

The cargo/shipment owner has a vested interest in the shipment arriving safely. Loss or damage caused in transit has the potential to impose financial loss on a cargo/shipment owner. The best means of protecting the financial interest is to have cargo insurance on your shipment.

Cargo / Shipping Insurance offers the following:

  • Competitive rates, cost effective way of protecting the cargo
  • Insurance coverage rather than just legal liability
  • Cargo insurance reduces the cost of handling claims under your legal liability policy
  • Claims service that is client-focused

To insure your valuable cargo Contact InXpress Midwest Today.

Intl. Document, Export Express, Import Express, Intl. Air Freight, LTL Freight, Volume/FTL/Flatbed Freight, Domestic Air Freight

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*We specialize in shipping services for businesses.

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